Hello there, I’m Rovie and I am thrilled you have visited my blog, it means a lot to me. The fact that it is heavily impacting your life also means a lot to me. This blog has been active for the past 5 years and I very much enjoy it, every step of the way. My readers have been awesome by acknowledging how this blog has helped them in navigating the intricate network of interactions and relationships in Thailand. Your emails and messages are what keep me going. Thank you.
Thailand is a very beautiful place waiting to be enjoyed by you. The country is a tropical one with a constitutional monarchy. Thais respect their monarchs a lot and would not take any insult to the king or the royal family.
Thailand is a traveler’s paradise. You can take a hike up the hills if you feel up to it; you could also enjoy your fill from the numerous Thai restaurants. If you really crave western food, then you are free to peruse the numerous western restaurants in Thailand.

I have been a frequent visitor to Thailand over the years. I first started as a wide-eyed tourist, then I came here for work related issues. I was so captivated by Thailand that I finally decided to stay in this country in 2010.
Thailand has contributed a lot to my life, as much as it is where I met my present husband. He is also a British expat and we have had a fulfilling marriage over several years. He has also given me his full support in running this blog. He also helps in other ways, like taking pictures, doing research for me and so much more. I doubt this blog would be what it is today without his contribution.
This blog has been contributing to the internet data base of information on Thailand. There are various categories of content on this blog. The major ones include working in Thailand, knowing about Thailand, living in Thailand and places in Thailand. This list of categories is not exhaustive, as I will create new ones when the situation demands.
The Working in Thailand category is dedicated to giving you information about how you would be able to make a living in Thailand. This category contains posts that talk about the Thai economy, how to find work and so much more. In essence, if there is anything on this blog about financial survival in Thailand, you would find it in this category.
The Knowing About Thailand category is one where you would get information on trivia and facts about Thailand. Simply speaking, this category seeks to broaden your knowledge on everything related to Thailand. The kinds of posts you would see here include posts relating to the history of Thailand, its religion, its culture and general trivia.
The Living in Thailand category is essentially about your survival in Thailand. This category contains things that relate to life generally. Here you would find posts on where to live in Thailand, where to eat, where to catch fun and so much more. If there is anything that would add to your living experience in Thailand, then you would find it here.
The Places in Thailand category is a travel guide section. It gives you information on centers of attraction all over Thailand. If I go to a cinema and I feel you would love it, a post about it would fit into this category. Furthermore, you can find posts relating to places to catch fun and other tourist attractions.
Like I said, these categories are in no way exhaustive. Whenever I come across new information that will result in a series of posts that don’t fit in to the current categories, I will create a new one.
In all, the aim of this blog is to make every reader an expert on issues relating to Thailand. I want you to be able to navigate the intricacies of this country after reading the blog posts on this site.
Thank you all for reading.